Power To Live In a Modern World by Torp & Liseth©
Power To Live In a Modern World by Torp & Liseth©











Power To Live In A Modern World, a project in collaboration with Helene Torp

Nature is. Nature has often been used as an image of beingness, something beyond human control. A part of us are always plain physical matter ticking at its own pace, controlled from somewhere other than our conscious self. This project is all about nature’s relationship to us. Nature speaks to us and restore a balance that has been disturbed somewhere along the way.

The project consists of several media – audio, text, photos, trees and remedies from trees or plants. The audio works are created as a “stream of consciousness”, as the forces of nature talks through us. We create our own flower remedies which are part of the installation, and bring messages and strengthening powers from nature. The remedies are created from the recipe of Dr. Bach. Dr. Edward Bach was a British physical and spiritual writer who was inspired by homeopathy, and developed a system of flower medicine in the early 1900s.

Remedy no 1 is made from the flowers of white chestnut tree growing outside Helene’s house. It was first shown in Oslo in September 2014, with audio work, text, photographs of the tree and of the process and also a glass installation with leaves, roots and chestnuts from the tree. Remedy no 2 are from the lilac. It has not yet been exhibited. The lilac tells us a different story and support us in other ways than the white chestnut. This project grows with each tree or plant that speak to us.